The TRABOCCO Park is a naturalistic area rich in flora and fauna. It is at the foot of the Montecarotto hill and has the Fossato stream flowing through it.  The area is located in the hilly fold that delimits the border between the municipality of Montecarotto and that of Poggio San Marcello.

The park is currently not accessible for problems related to the recent flood

The morphology of the territory, deriving from the close proximity to the hillsides, creates a hydrographic basin particularly rich in surface waters in autumn and spring. The stream runs for 9.5 km before ending in the Esino river, the main river course of the provincial valley. The luxuriant nature of the area is endowed with rare species of flowers, including the fern and the dracontea (Dracunculus Vulgaris).

The footbridges crossing the stream, the suggestive scrub wood, the widespread “lianas” make the route fascinating and easy enough for visitors of all ages.

The main route is wide and the first part can be covered even with baby strollers/pushchairs, the other paths are narrower and although more suggestive, are less comfortable to walk.

Inside the park, there are several paths that you can walk through to see the different points of interest.

The points of interest of the trail are:
– the old mill ruins
– the waterfalls
– the “selvettine”.

In particular, the ruins of the ancient mill testify that once upon a time the water, due to successive “overflows” and the passing through of waterfalls and bridles, fed the millstones of the mill, that ground the flour for the population of Montecarotto and the surrounding areas. It was a place of great importance in the pre-industrial centuries for the local population.